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donderdag, 03 maart 2005



"At present no dliates have been released about the driver except that he is a 38-year old Dutch national."It is perfectly rational to assume that he is a Muslim, as we await further information from a Western government & media who have been known to be prone to sweep Islamic dliates under the rug before in similar cases.The rational modus operandi for the West should be: Muslims are guilty until proven innocent. 1) This is not a normal crime. 2) There have been vehicular homicides (and attempted vehicular homicides count as such) before with Muslims involved, at least two in the USA (North Carolina, San Francisco).3) Muslims have demonstrated a willingness and zeal to engage in "Sudden Jihad Syndrome" (or its close relative, "Voluntary Jihad Syndrome") many times before.Any given Western society has the right to intelligently presume that unusual homicides like this are caused by Muslims, and to profile accordingly. This does not mean the law enforcement profilers should ignore data that indicates otherwise. It just means that, given the prevailing sociopolitical culture that heavily prejudices the opposite bias, and given the risks of the dangers we face from Muslims, we should expect those whose job it is to protect us to err on the side of caution, and of reason.Okay, I return your stations back to Reality, where likely a few hundred thousands of us will have to be mass-murdered by Muslims over the next 50 years before our West wakes up from its ridiculous PC MC coma.

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