Where are we going ?
- Barak Berkowitz, Six Apart
- Meg Hourihan, consultant & co-founder, Blogger.com
- Caterina Fake, Flickr
- Charlie Schick, Nokia
Eén van de dingen waar het panel het wel over eens lijkt te zijn, is dat 'cat-blogging' meer en meer aanvaard schijnt te raken. Blogs moeten niet per sé cocurreren met The Guardian of The Economist...
Nog een leuke quote: "Getting fired for blogging is great for your carreer".
Catherina Fake: "If people are stealing software, it's better that they're stealing ours"...
Barak announces that Nokia will support blogging to LiveJournal with their phones starting today!
Some more talk about free speech, journalism, protection and responsability. Some people who blog are surprised that the law applies to them.
Also, blogs empower people in countries with more restrictive government policies by offering an 'untouchable' platform abroad.
Technorati: Les Blogs
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Geplaatst door: monster legends hack no survey no password | zondag, 17 november 2013 om 00:58