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maandag, 25 april 2005



Wel uitgebreide verslaggeving van "Les Blogs", maar niet van Blogonomics vorige week in Amsterdam, waar je toch ook naar toe gegaan bent?

Maarten Schenk

Ja, maar op Blognomics was geen WiFi...


Hoi Maarten,

bij mij staan ook een aantal livelog posting van Les Blogs.


hi punam! i'm a relatively nocwemer to your site i think this may be my first comment..ing although i've been oohing and awing to myself for a bit now;)always inspiring and fresh, honest and open, and of course beautiful imagery. thank you!??the b/wphoto with the couple in front of the columns on bottom left is that a 70-200??? g


OH!!! These photos are pcreeft!!! That was some party in your camera! U R 2 cute! I love how you captured the details and the intimate moments. A great tribute to this couple without knowing them it feels like you really represented them well.


The question is ayalws ayalws: what should I do? May that be for your future or for that metaphor on love, where something new makes you question everything.Making decisions is not an easy task when that decision is likely to strongly influence the course of your life. I guess it will not help but someone once told me : It's easier to live with consequeces that regrets .

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Mijn foto


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