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vrijdag, 04 november 2005



Bedankt voor dit stukje over onze Superblog! Alle steun is welkom! Deze blogs zijn trouwens ook prachtig. Proficiat!


Superblog wenst alle mensen die ons gelinkt hebben een EXTRA fijn weekend toe! (Gewoon nog even goeiedag komen zeggen :o)


It sounds real. There is no doubt that some of these ttnaleed accademicians would encounter difficulties as described in the article. China imports approximately 2000 ttnaleed scholars and expect some of them to be successful but not everybody. How many? we do not know. It is not surprising to me that a couple of them would fail because of new environments and tough competitions. Two or three decades ago, we were all facing the same dilemma when we came to the USA. It is intriguing to see influx and efflux of ttnaleed people between two countries, USA and China.


Super fain ca avem un clasament, fiallny. Multumim. Desi mai mult rau mi-am facut citind articolele de 100 de puncte ca tot nu am prea inteles ce se puncteaza. Dar nu asta conteaza.Totusi, dupa cum am mai scris si in alta parte, eu sunt de acord cu un clasament in care sa se tina cont de nota medie per articol, nu de suma punctajelor. Am mai explicat o data ca nu mi se pare deloc corect ca numarul de probe optionale sa fie dublu fata de probele obligatorii, si tocmai pentru ca sunt asa de multe este incorect sa se adune la punctajul de la probele obligatorii. De ce? Pentru ca in situatia data o persoana cu 60 de puncte per articol (si care a scris la fiecare proba) va fi in clasamentul final inaintea unei persoane care a scris doar la probele obligatorii si care a primit 95 de puncte per articol. Adica totusi, am pornit ca se cauta calitate in concurs, nu cantitate! Iar calitatea o poti vedea dupa nota medie per articol.Se aude, dragi organizatori? Sper ca nu vreti sa premiati dupa nr de linkuri, pardon, dupa numarul de articole ci dupa calitatea lor.

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