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maandag, 09 oktober 2006



What I want to say is Wow! Great performance! Excellent terawomk demonstrated! Great co-ordination! Nice visual effect and use of color! I just wish I was there to watch the great show in person!Consider the effort and number of people involved, we should not have any complaints. Otherwise, it will be like picking bone from an egg . I wasn't happy about the lip-singing thing. But then think about it. It is just a show. They just want everything to be perfect. But because of the controversy, I think they will learn next time (please be reminided that most of the opening ceremony has pre-recorded music to avoid any potential technical error).Anyway, great show! Thumbs-up to the Chinese Olympic organization team.


To me it's monospaced and pixel-perfectly deeginsd. That's number 5 in the article you linked to, since years and years. Proggy.Proggy for emacs. Proggy for my xterms. Proggy for IntelliJ IDEA.To me italics are pure non-sense so are variable-width font.To me it's for programmers that are not very math oriented .If you think about it and value your eyes, you'll also want a color scheme like Zenburn.I'm programming in video reverse since 25 years and still have very good eyesight (thanks to video reverse, in great part): still no glasses despite a quarter of a century spend behind a screen.Anti-aliasing, altough it looks smart is really not good for programming.It kills the eye.But then I'm using Zenburn/Proggy, I've got 10/10 eyesight and only program in video reverse since 25 years, what do I know about that subject uh

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