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maandag, 07 mei 2007


Hans Mestrum

Is er ook een nieuwe versie dan?


So me getting this was kinda moot, but all in all it's relaly beneficial if you're just starting out. For anyone who's played more than 2 years even Don't get this. I give it a 5 star for the beginner, cause this thing is packed with some relaly beneficial stuff for you all to learn. Everything from chord finder all the decent sounding ones anyways and a built in tuner and a good deal of lessons are what you'll find on this disc. You have to have the disc in order to access alot of the video and audio, but it's still alright All in all I'd endorse it for anyone wanting to learn the guitar. This'll have you playing some pretty good sounding progressions within' hours.


Dwalend op het internet kom ik hier even lezen.Hmmm, ik moet plonielstg denken aan mensen met eencellige hersenen.Ik pieker nog even verder om de diepere betekenis hiervan te doorgronden.Vrolijke groet uit Amsterdam-Zuidoost

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