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zaterdag, 10 november 2007



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Anonieme Reactie

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Thanks voor het uitgebreide artikel. Als toevoeging hierop: Anonieme email kun je ook heel eenvoudig versturen op bijvoorbeeld:


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hp4HYH That's way more clever than I was expecting. Thanks!

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You should only get GTA (Grand Theft Auto) for your son if you are okay with him arehing explicit adult language, watching in game strippers, (I was 18 before I ever found out what the inside of a strip club looked like) and committing mass murder and stealing peoples cars, then running over them and laughing about it. Or if your okay with him picking up a hooker, driving to a dark alley so she can perform her buisness, then once she's, done getting out the car and beating her with a basball bat to get back the money he just spent. If these things are okay with you then I guess it's fine, your the parent. I'm just letting you know what he's going to be doing. My guess is he's played it somewhere, maybe at a friends house, and he's telling you it's not that bad or something. But once he has it in his home and can play anytime he'll be killing hookers, robbing grandma at gun point, jumping out of helicopters, sniping people in the face and driving drunk in no time.


Mijn htc de9sire9 gaat net mee tot het avond eten 6 uur en hij ging 11 uur in de ochtend uit het stoorm. Verder alleen internet de rest uit waar onder andere gps etc. Telefoon zeker niet intensief gebruikt alleen whats app hoog uit een half uur. Scherm helderheid 60. Klinkt niet goed he. Iemand suggesties?


Niemand die me vroeg wat ik aan het doen was die blijft bij mij haegnn als ik je verhaal twee keer lees. kan er niet goed bij waarom.

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well it depends on what he knows is wrong and whats right but it has sex, meudrr, prostitutes, rasicm, violence, offensive languge and all sorts of other fun stuff. ohh and by the way its rated A for adult higher than Mits all up to you though happy to help

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