Ahum, ahum, mag ik even de aandacht: Movable Type is vanaf nu Open Source en kan gratis gedownload worden (dat kon vroeger ook al). De bleeding edge code kan nu ook rechtstreeks uit subversion worden binnengehaald.
Later meer hierover...
« Veel ruis, weinig signaal: en dan? | Hoofdmenu | links for 2007-12-13 »
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Remebmer remember the 5th of November… and all the rest of the days too! It was a good month for RDQLUS.More and more I find that belviieng in my outlook and choices pays off as other begin to see where I'm coming from. new inroads have been made and new work has come from a variety of client types.Went to visit my mama in Denver. Man do I love me some mama! She's an amazing lady and after a lot of tough years, is hitting her stride and doing some really great things. While I was there a good friend took me up to the slopes and I got completely rocked. But now I have full-on mountain stoke and need to get back on my board.There's a lot that I am thankful for and I only hope that I've shown those who need to know that.Peaces to you R29!
Geplaatst door: Veronica | donderdag, 05 juli 2012 om 06:54