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woensdag, 12 december 2007



Remebmer remember the 5th of November… and all the rest of the days too! It was a good month for RDQLUS.More and more I find that belviieng in my outlook and choices pays off as other begin to see where I'm coming from. new inroads have been made and new work has come from a variety of client types.Went to visit my mama in Denver. Man do I love me some mama! She's an amazing lady and after a lot of tough years, is hitting her stride and doing some really great things. While I was there a good friend took me up to the slopes and I got completely rocked. But now I have full-on mountain stoke and need to get back on my board.There's a lot that I am thankful for and I only hope that I've shown those who need to know that.Peaces to you R29!

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