Toen ik vanochtend mijn PC in gang zwengelde, werd ik begroet door een Skype chat venster met een boodschap over een zekere Ahmed H. Schenk die een fortuin had nagelaten, en of ik mij wou voordoen als nabestaande om een dik percentje op te strijken.
Allez, maak dat mee. Nu zitten die Nigeriaanse 419 scammers al op Skype...
De volledige tekst van het bericht:
I am Abdul Hakem Arabi, a legal practitioner in Malaysia. I got your contact at a time I needed it most and I decided to contact you, hoping that you could cooperate with me in this proposition.
I had a client by name, Ahmed. H. Schenk , who died in March 2006 as a result of cardiac arrest. For several years before his demise, he was a close confidant of mine. Based on facts available to me, my deceased client had no next of kin. He disentangled from his biological family during his early youth and lost contact with them many years ago, before he came to live and invest here. Until his demise in 2006, he had no correspondence with his relatives and I am totally sure that even if they are still in existence, they have no knowledge of his life and business here in Malaysia. He came into Malaysia in the early 80's and established an import business. He traded on textiles which he imported from Taiwan and China.Before the abrupt circumstance of his demise, he deposited some money valued at MYR 20,150,000 (twenty million, one hundred and fifty thousand Ringgit) equivalent to $5,757,142 USD (five million, seven hundred and fifty seven thousand, one hundred and forty two dollars) in a bank here in Malaysia
As his legal representative, the bank contacted me to get across to the family and to present his next of kin/beneficiary of the funds he left behind. All effort to track a living relative of my late client proved futile; hence, I decided to get someone to help me get these funds out of the bank, which I would consider a total waste if it is left to be confiscated by the bank after the date line given.
The essence of writing to you is to seek your consent to present you to the bank as my late client's next of kin/beneficiary of the funds, since you have the same surname as my late client, so that the money can be paid to you and we can share on a mutually agreed-upon percentage.
I will guide you through the whole process, besides; you don't have to be physically present here to have it done. As soon as the bank receive your application, they will notify me that someone is laying claim to the funds, I will then proceed to confirm and authenticate your status as a relative of my late client and also the true beneficiary of the funds, and also make recommendations in your favor. Once the bank completes their verification they will open up correspondence with you and initiate the process of the payment.
I will provide all the legal documents needed to back up your claim as my late client's next-of-kin and beneficiary of the funds. All I require from you is your consent and honest cooperation. The entire process will be executed under a legitimate arrangement that will protect you from any breach of the law and I want to assure you that there is no risk involved in achieving this. Please consider the proposal and talk back to me. [email protected]Regards,
Barr. Abdul Hakem Bin Abdul Arabi
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