Soms krijg je als blogger/twitteraar een uitnodiging van een bedrijf om iets te komen testen, maar soms zie je ook gewoon een uitnodiging passeren op twitter en ga je daar op in:
Tweeps! Who wants a sneak peek into the world according to Sony and participate in the #wetwetwet challenge on 26/02?
— Ann Glorieus (@annglorieus) 15 februari 2013
Sony had ons dus vooral uitgenodigd om de nieuwe Xperia Z tablet en smartphones te komen testen. Omdat de belangrijkste eigenschap van die dingen is dat ze waterdicht zijn, hadden ze een stunt(je) bedacht. Wie de 'challenge' aanging om vanuit een jacuzzi te tweeten met de hastag #wetwetwet kreeg sowieso een waterdichte Sony walkman/headset mee naar huis + de kans om zo'n tablet te winnen.
Sommigen noemen dat 'de twitter elite' die 'uit de kleren gaat voor een productdemonstratie', ik vond het gewoon een leuke wedstrijd en een unieke kans om de allereerste te zijn in België die met een waterdichte tablet een live video streamde vanuit een bubbelbad. But that's just how I roll :-)
Qua productdemonstratie was het wel leuker dan een saaie powerpoint, al hadden we die ook gekregen eerder op de avond (de PR mensen noemden het zelf ook 'the boring part'). Wat ik vooral onthield:
- Zeer lichte tablet en extreem dun
- Waterdicht, al is dat ook maar beperkt: je krijgt geen kortsluitingen en zo (wat op zich een groot pluspunt is) maar echt onder water werken gaat toch niet omdat het scherm overal aanrakingen detecteert die er niet zijn. But who cares, je gaat je tablet toch niet onder water houden als je er iets op bekijkt of werkt in een app?
- Er zou ook NFC in zitten, al heb ik dat niet getest.
Al met al is de droom om eindelijk film te kunnen kijken in bad zonder risico op electrocutie weer een stuk dichterbij gekomen. En loop ik binnenkort rond met een gratis walkman.
Nog een verslagje bij Annelien.
Omdat ik het geen 2x ga schrijven:
Alstublieft! :-)
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Baze and Cate track down the social worker in Chinatown man, that place is hopping and tell her they couldn possibly be worse parents than Lux previous foster parents. Plus, they can give her the one thing she never had: love. And batteries in the smoke detector.
Geplaatst door: | dinsdag, 04 juni 2013 om 06:38
Jaycee Dugard memoir of her kidnapping and 18 years of captivity, "A Stolen Life," will be published by Simon Schuster on July 12. The book will continue to roughly the present day and include her discovery and liberation in 2009 from the backyard where she been held in Antioch, Calif. Now:.
Geplaatst door: | dinsdag, 04 juni 2013 om 19:30
Then the network merged with UPN to form The CW, and while the "The" survived, the identity didn't really. The CW, befitting its origins, is more of a hodgepodge, mixing reality with remakes of '90s shows its target demo doesn't care about, plus a couple of WB leftovers. If the network has a defining show, it's "Gossip Girl," which begat the cynical "90210" and "Melrose Place" reboots..
Geplaatst door: | dinsdag, 04 juni 2013 om 19:30
There were only a handful of scenes that dealt with longterm plot lines, and not a single second of any of them was wasted. The BoydRaylan exchanges were entertaining, as their banter always provides for some enjoyable moments that remind us Boyd a lot smarter than he looks. And any excuse to have Walton Goggins on my TV is fine by me.
Geplaatst door: | dinsdag, 04 juni 2013 om 19:31
So they go from free men to lifers in the blink of an eye without doing much to prevent it. But this of course gets them where the movie wants them and frees them for its deepest pleasure, which might be called the power of the rant. Both Murphy and Lawrence are great ranters, and Demme is wise enough to sit back and watch them work and let us enjoy the bubbling of their chemistry.
Geplaatst door: | dinsdag, 04 juni 2013 om 19:31
Hospital and three freestanding local surgery centers. In order to meet the needs of our community, more than 40,000 whole blood donations are need annually. NHL, the NHL Shield, the word mark and image of the Stanley Cup and NHL Conference logos are registered trademarks of the National Hockey League..
Geplaatst door: | dinsdag, 04 juni 2013 om 19:31
SAN JOSE, California On Saturday, March, 2nd, the Sharks Foundation and the Stanford Blood Center are teaming up for the Annual a Life Blood Drive to collect blood products for patients in need. Blood donations can be given from 7:30 AM to 2:00 PM at the North Entrance of HP Pavilion at San Jose. Donate Life (organ donation) and Be The Match (marrow donation) will also be on hand to register interested donors.
Geplaatst door: | dinsdag, 04 juni 2013 om 19:31
After the death of his father, the artist developed a deep admiration for young Roman nobleman Tommaso Cavalieri. The latter inspired Michelangelo to create poetry and drawings celebrating the young man's "incomparable beauty," though his affection for Tommaso was only demonstrated from afar. It is also recorded that Michelangelo was on agreeable terms with his pupils Giorgio Vasari and Ascanio Condivi..
Geplaatst door: | dinsdag, 04 juni 2013 om 19:32
when we decided to do this album, I said to him: 'Let's just have fun. It features guest appearances by such longtime musical friends as Bruce Springsteen, Tom Petty, Emmylou Harris, Ry Cooder and three of the Eagles. All of them called to donate their services, after learning of the former chainsmoker's sobering prognosis.
Geplaatst door: | dinsdag, 04 juni 2013 om 19:33
Then the network merged with UPN to form The CW, and while the "The" survived, the identity didn't really. The CW, befitting its origins, is more of a hodgepodge, mixing reality with remakes of '90s shows its target demo doesn't care about, plus a couple of WB leftovers. If the network has a defining show, it's "Gossip Girl," which begat the cynical "90210" and "Melrose Place" reboots..
Geplaatst door: | woensdag, 05 juni 2013 om 04:48
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Geplaatst door: | woensdag, 05 juni 2013 om 04:48
During what is often months of captivity the captives are beaten and tortured and their families asked to pay ransoms as high as $40,000 for their release. Those who don't pay are killed. As many as 2,000 are thought to have died in this way.
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Just before the end of my first visit I ask my client to think of three things they will work on this week. They choose to continue using their relaxation CDs in rest times, to increase their walking by another 10% and to download a new audio book. The three things will almost always be related to the treatment plan and are the stepping stones to achieving the larger goals but for another of my clients it might be "to enjoy a Costa coffee that someone brings in for me!" I try to use this beginning, middle and end approach with all my clients.
Geplaatst door: レイバン サングラス | maandag, 01 juli 2013 om 19:00
The commission deemed an email exchange between the FA and Barnard should be regarded as "cogent new evidence", saying: "These highly material issues relating to Mr Cole's evidence were not addressed by the chief magistrate ?C he clearly did not have the interview notes of the FA's interviewers, or Mr Barnard's statement before him ?C and they do not appear in his judgment.
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Rebekah Brooks: We have heard a lot over the past 10 years, but particularly this Committee held an inquiry into Operation Motorman that was incredibly extensive. Every editor on Fleet street, I think, was called to this Committee. As far as I was concerned, the failings of all newspapers in not understanding the extent of the use of private investigators across Fleet street was held to account then. There were many changes to the Data Protection Act 1998, because of Operation Motorman. Although I accept Mr Farrelly's knowledge of The Observer??it is going to be far better than mine??they wrote a good editorial on this about three months ago, re-addressing that climate then and how different it is now.
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The talks have been constructive, but the latest proposals still don't fully address the principal concerns of UCAC's members. We cannot agree to this proposal without further discussion.
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He said there had been some strange challenges. "For some, it is simply fear of the unknown. For others, there is a genuine objection to the principle of attributing surgical results to an individual when those results are dependent on effective teamwork between surgeon, anaesthetist, theatre and ward nurses and physiotherapists. We concluded that the legal duty for NHS England to promote quality and its commitment to transparency as a driver for quality was in the greater public interest."A secretive Tory party donor who made a fortune betting on the collapse of the Greek economy has been named the UK's wealthiest hedge fund manager.
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However evident that was or wasn't at the time was ignored as Anglo-Indians such as Cliff Richard or Freddie Mercury could confirm in our own age. And though Forbes wrote a lot of "My Dear Betsy" letters on his travels, the money and allowance he left her in his will in 1818 was to his "housekeeper". Such euphemisms are not unknown, then or now.
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Most analysts believe Khan will be lucky to get 20 of the 342 seats in parliament. "He peaked too early and gave the PML-N time to rejuvenate its base," said Cyril Almeida, a newspaper columnist. "People go to his rallies because he is a rock star in Pakistan. He doesn't have the party machine to actually turn out the voters and bring them to the polling booth on election day."
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This would be a different approach: acknowledging them as a mature nation with which we could work for the least bad outcome in the collapsing Middle East. It may not ultimately save the Arab World from painfully redrawing its colonial-designed borders, but if it could prevent Russia from trying to take advantage of the increasing regional chaos and instead work constructively with us towards a soft landing, it would be well worth the boost in stature Russia gets as its trade-off.
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And yet, in a sense, the trial has become a sideshow, a distraction. It allows Scaf and the current powers to promote the perception that the big crimes that continue to be committed are not theirs, but are organised by, if not Mubarak, then his sons through their still active network.
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Forrest started meeting the girl out of school hours, driving her around in his black Ford Fiesta and taking her to his marital home at Ringmer, near Lewes, East Sussex, in June.
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Tonight her parents Paul, 41, and Coral, 43, were coming to terms with the fact that Bridger may never reveal what he did with their daughter.
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Don't imagine, however, that the rest of the meal was a series of tongue-tingling melodramas. Commis is an austere place, at bottom, where a plain-looking "chowder" of charred kale, gigande beans and red-pepper paste adds up to something quietly stunning, and not just a collection of hitherto never-combined ingredients.
Geplaatst door: Toms | woensdag, 10 juli 2013 om 17:35
Indian Prime Minister Manmohan Singh said he asked Chinese Premier Xi Jinping on the sidelines of a summit last month in South Africa for access to the dams to ensure they don't reduce water flow to India.
Geplaatst door: Toms | woensdag, 10 juli 2013 om 17:35
At times ElBaradei has been viewed as an opposition figurehead who occupied the rare position of being able to command respect from revolutionaries, secular liberals and political Islamists. On Friday, though, he spoke out against a catalogue of revolutionary mismanagement on all sides, with his harshest words reserved for the Muslim Brotherhood – whose role in the past year's "transition process" has led many pro-change activists to blame political Islamists for empowering the military and being sucked into an electoral game designed to give the old regime a fa?ade of democratic legitimacy.
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Geplaatst door: Toms | vrijdag, 12 juli 2013 om 00:27
Indeed, the employer requirement was never seen as one of the main engines of Obama's law, which is eventually expected to provide coverage for 25 million to 30 million uninsured people.
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The power of an individual in an organisation is enormous. One transformative and inspired leader can change the game but if they are unsupported, ultimately they will not be successful.
Geplaatst door: オークリー | zaterdag, 13 juli 2013 om 17:38
Prince Bandar bin Sultan, the former Saudi ambassador to the US and now the country's intelligence chief, was allegedly the prime recipient of the improper payments.
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Geplaatst door: MCM 店舗 | zaterdag, 13 juli 2013 om 17:38
If the story of the princess and the pea had a moral, then so too does the tale of the princess and the underpaid cleaner. On the day of the wedding the air was thick with commentators over-reaching themselves to pronounce on What It All Said About Modern Britain. The crowds, that dress, the introduction of a commoner (as Kate Middleton and other products of ?28,000-a-year Marlborough College almost certainly don't think of themselves as) into the royal family ?C all were camera fodder.
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Lee Kang-guk was flying the plane that crash landed in San Francisco on Saturday and was working toward qualifying on the 777. Mr. Lee, born in 1967, was attempting his first 777 landing in San Francisco and his ninth overall with that model. ?He had previously landed the 777 in Narita, London, Heathrow and Los Angeles.
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Tony Blair in 1998, before a decade of wasted opportunityExactly 10 years ago, Tony Blair did the same. In January 1998 the Government established a Cabinet committee to guide policy, though Mr Blair acknowledged that it would take three parliaments to see through the changes. He added: "The reform of our welfare state is not to betray our core principles of social justice and solidarity. It is to make them live, breathe and work again for the modern age."Perceptively, William Hague, then the Conservative leader, suspected this was all hype. He predicted that welfare reform would founder because Labour was confused about its intentions.Ten years on and Peter Hain, the Work and Pensions Secretary, said Labour have "slashed claimant unemployment almost in half and are spending ??5 billion less on unemployment now than we were in 1997 – that is money we are spending on schools and hospitals." This may be true in the strictest sense since unemployment has fallen.But Labour promised to cut overall welfare bills, yet total spending has risen from ??92bn in 1996 to ??140bn last year, an extraordinary rise at a time of consistent economic growth. This sum represented about 11.2 per cent of GDP almost the same as in the recession of 1982-83. Mr Brown is promising further reforms aimed at ensuring that "hundreds of thousands more benefit claimants become active job seekers rather than passive recipients."But, again, we heard this 10 years ago. Then, Mr Blair was insisting that with rights should go responsibilities; that the "something for nothing" society was over; that benefits would be linked to work; and that work would be rewarded, not discouraged by tax and poverty traps.Labour strategists even looked at the welfare revolution going on in American states such as Wisconsin, where benefits were simply withdrawn if a job was offered but not taken. While an element of workfare has been introduced into the British system, it is nothing like the impression given at the time.What did Mr Brown's welfare policies achieve? While many poorer people clearly have more money as a result of generous tax credits and benefits, the dependency culture is alive and thriving.Despite a lengthy period of low unemployment, welfare spending has continued to grow to eye-watering levels, and yet independent analysis shows that the British taxpayer and benefit recipient get less from each pound spent than almost anyone else in Europe. We spend more on benefit than on education.Eighty per cent of payments, amounting to more than ??64 billion a year, are made on a something-for-nothing basis. Welfare spending is now at generous European levels yet manages to produce the same level of inequality seen in the US, where much less is spent on transfers from rich to poor.Many low earners have become supplicants. More than seven million households are getting most of their income from government handouts. Half a million 18 to 24 year olds are out of work. Child poverty by the Government's own measurement has worsened. Most astonishing of all is that in 10 years, social mobility has not improved one jot.The defining characteristics of Britain's modern welfare state are these: it is expensive, inefficient, bureaucratic and fails to deliver what it is supposed to. Is that something to boast about?In view of the parliamentary majorities Mr Blair enjoyed in his first two governments, the past 10 years were a great missed opportunity to introduce some truly radical reforms.Over the past 11 years, the British Conservative Party has endured three successive election defeats and four changes of leadership. Just a year ago, the party had been trailing a stale Labour government by 4 points in the polls. But now, suddenly, the Tories are back. They just trounced Labour in local government elections, including a hotly contested London mayoral race, and voters tell pollsters the current leader, 41-year-old David Cameron, is more likable, more trustworthy—indeed, superior in every quality of leadership—than Prime Minister Gordon Brown. The Tories seemed poised to win again in a mid-May by-election in the northwest England parliamentary district of Crewe and Nantwich, a constituency considered safe Labour territory for more than 30 years. Suddenly Cameron is the front runner to take over Downing Street in the next general election, due within two years.
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When Parliament is about to start in three weeks, what was the need for the ordinance to be pushed through in such a hurry? There has been no proper discussion on this ordinance thereby leaving many loopholes in them which need to be discussed. This ordinance goes against the democratic principles and takes a very selective and arbitrary view of the Justice Verma Committee. The womens organisations feel that both the martial rapes and the rapes by armed forces should be brought into the ambit of the civil law. We might think that death penalty is not a solution, but what matters is the certainty of the punishment and how speedily it is delivered. You can have the strictest punishment, but what is the rate of the convictions? The entire judicial system has to be reformed if you wish to have an effective justice for crimes against women. The hasty manner in which the ordinance has been passed displays lack of seriousness on the governments part. The government must implement the recommendations of the Justice Verma Committee and other such committees if they are serious about tackling crimes against women.
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With regard to Pawar, who has denied any link with former DB managing director Shahid Balwa (now in CBI custody), Radia told the CBI: "On being asked as to how I came to know that Sharad Pawar had called Raja to get the approvals done and everything, more than the involvement of Pawar there is an involvement of Anil Ambani for getting the licence of Swan, I state that as per the general perceptions in Mumbai as well as outside, DB Realities (sic) is directly or indirectly controlled by Sharad Pawar and his family members."
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Nobody is fooled, even the bigots know it is true deep down.PRETORIA - Nelson Mandela "is not going to go anywhere anytime soon," one of the anti-apartheid icon's daughters told NBC News in an exclusive interview on Thursday.
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Bickering about rules: These are the two men who are competing to be the leader of the free world. Do we really need to see them reduced to fighting over who gets to speak last or who is or isn't following the rules of the debate? Both men did it — although Romney did it a bit more — and it looked small and unseemly. Can we please ban this in the future?
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Geplaatst door: kdsglso|elladyh | woensdag, 24 juli 2013 om 16:15
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Geplaatst door: エムシーエム リュック | vrijdag, 26 juli 2013 om 11:56
Knope's libertarian boss, Ron (Nick Offerman), who protests the existence of government by ensuring that his department does as little as possible, has other ideas for slashing the budget. For example, turning city hall into "a large gas station" or selling the zoo animals to "weird restaurants." But when it comes to Knope, even he takes a stand.
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But waiting passively for a gradual process of economic rebalancing to solve enormous energy challenges and environmental woes is insufficient. That's because it is not solely about energy, but about an environment under considerable strain, a population that witnesses daily the haze that cloaks numerous cities, coal miners that perish in the thousands, and rising healthcare burdens as pollution-related illnesses mount. It has been these reasons of unacceptably high social costs associated with enviable growth, rather than specific mandates to mitigate climate change, that remain important drivers of energy policy. Top leaders are thus responding vigorously by putting energy efficiency, environment, and clean energy at the top of the agenda for the next five years.
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There's a deep, systemic corruption that affects the common man in his dealings with virtually every department of the government. And there's mind-boggling corruption involving a well-entrenched nexus of politicians, bureaucrats, corporates and builders. That's where favourable policies get framed and manipulated, tenders awarded selectively and land reservations lifted or modified with an ulterior motive. This is the arena of the big politicians, where enormous amounts of kickbacks are generated that help fuel ambitions, fortify electoral war chests, and help them stay in power one way or the other repeatedly.
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